33-96 "Blowout"

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33-96 "Blowout"


Original Bronze Sculpture

by Scott Rogers

42 1/2” H x 35 1/2” W x 32” D

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In every era, there are men and women willing to ‘risk it all’ for the possibility of great reward; be it for money, a gold medal, a business venture, a relationship or developing a talent.

What is success? Is it having a certain amount in the bank, a big house, the dream car, happy children? What is your definition of success? Question: Is success the ‘accomplishment of’ or the ‘having of’ a thing? Once one has the thing or the accomplishment are they a success?

I was raised with a saying my father repeated numerous times. “Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal.” The key word in that sentence is ‘progressive.’ Meaning, if one is active in the ‘pursuit’ of a goal, only then can they be considered a success. If one is not in the active pursuit of a goal....one is not a success, but stagnant.

When I meet someone, who is on a heartfelt path, my heart leaps! Inside (and often verbally), I say to them, “Go, Baby, Go!” I ache for them to keep on the path, as I know there is personal growth, expansion of consciousness and endless possibilities on the other side. The boy signing up for little league with the dream of playing in the ‘bigs’, the young lady taking classes visualizing herself on stage as a ballerina or actress, the kids sitting behind a lemonade stand earning money for a bicycle, the overweight person out jogging, the person hanging out their shingle in front of a store.....it is a joy to be around those types of people and feel the spirit of possibility.


Scott Rogers’ love affair with bronze began when he bought a bronze sculpture from his uncle, Grant Speed. Six months later in October of 1990, he came home from work one day, looked at that bronze and said, “I can do that”. He sought counsel at the hands of master teachers, Fritz White CA, Stanley Bleifeld, Herb Mignery CA, Mehl Lawson CA and Grant Speed CA.

“My desire is to use art as a vehicle to inspire mankind to see the beauty of life. Artists are prone to leave emotional fingerprints all over their work; hence, what you’ll be seeing, in a way, are self-portraits. I love how shape, line and form communicate. Every line has a spirit and speaks volumes. Put a lump of clay in my hands and a short while later you’ll know exactly how I feel and physically see my soul. I am finding that the key to life is to develop eyes to see what is really ‘there’.”

Scott Rogers loves what he does and portraying the Old West. “I remember, fondly, the hours spent as a youth reading of renegades, rebels, rogues, outlaws, wild men and horses, ferocity, passion, power, cunning, independence, honor, loneliness, fear, rage, courage and freedom. These words worked their way into my soul and now find expression through my fingers in clay. The “West” was about men and women who had courage, who were part of something bigger than themselves. I find great pleasure in doing these people justice by creating a fair portrayal of their characters.”

“I sculpt feelings and not reality. In fact, to me, the words sculpture and feelings are synonymous. I love it when someone says, after viewing one of my pieces, ‘I can feel the bullet hitting him, I feel like I’m on the back of the bucking horse’ or ‘I can hear the roar of the stampede.’ I know art uplifts the spirit, it makes one want to be better, to feel good about themselves and their fellow man, to reach out for that which is good in life. It’s my wish that you experience some of what I feel through my art.”